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The Floating Bear

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In the summer of 2000 I decided that I would like to give sailing a try.  Little did I know what I was in for because I was able to combine this new hobby with my love of building things.  This has lead me to have my own fleet of small plywood boats and to having a new topic to bore all my friends and aquaintences with.  I built my first boat in the winter of 2000-2001 and haven't stopped since.

My current project is a Weekender designed by Stevenson Projects who also designed my MiniCup.   Starting the project in the fall/winter of 2005, I hope to launch in the mid-summer of 2007 2008 2009 .  You can see my current project status by following the Weekender links at the top of the page.

UPDATE - Weekender #1808 Launched - August 3rd, 2009!

"Now then, Pooh," said Christopher Robin, "where's your boat?"
"I ought to say," explained Pooh as they walked down to the shore of the island, "that it isn't just an ordinary sort of boat. Sometimes it's a Boat, and sometimes it's more of an Accident. It all depends."
"Depends on what?"
"On whether I'm on top of it or underneath it."
"Oh! Well, where is it?"
"There!" said Pooh, pointing proudly to The Floating Bear.

DISCLAIMER: Because the construction of any boat is dependent on factors of materials and craftsmanship that are beyond my control, I can accept no responsibility for any item constructed based on information found on this web-site.

For more information, contact Last Updated August 28, 2009